Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Beep... beep... beep...

The heart monitor shows a pulse! A new post!

Why do I think that reorganising this blog and putting it under its own domain name will suddenly result in a wave of fresh content? No idea. But I do. So be prepared for a glut of fresh new content when I've done a redesign and got a domain name. After all, I wouldn't waste all that time and then never post, would I?

Would I?



Thursday, 17 January 2008

Gillian Anderson needs to eat chips

This is what happens when you pirate DVDs. Your favourite actors starve. Please buy X-Files box sets. Gillian Anderson needs chips.

Friday, 4 January 2008

Mai ferst lolcat

I have resisted the lolcats for so long, but today I couldn't resist making this one...

funny pictures

It's been quiet on here for a while, insomnia is to blame. Post on that subject coming soon.