Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Putting up with the clown

This is really a post to say how random chance has operated in my favour, placing me in a profession where a certain amount of quirkiness is tolerated, and sometimes actually encouraged. This suits me quite well. Sometimes, the quirkiness is all I have.

So here's a tribute to the people who put up with me, especially my Emma, who says, "well, that's just my Mike!"

Some Things Mike Did

Ended most of his sentences with “Thaaank you! In a fabulous way!” because of this video :

Played Human Bowling (grabbing a coworker’s chair while they are still occupying it and running down the center of the office with them hanging on to the chair for dear life, then launching the chair as far as he can).

Wasted an entire pad of PostIt Notes by tearing off each one and either making an unflyable paper plane out if it, or rolling them up quite tightly, bending them into a right angle and spinning them around, making them tap rapidy on the table. (This has happend more than once.)

Changed one of his co-workers keyboard shortcuts to pop up the hilarious message "I AM GAY" then laughed uncontrollably for about an hour when it was pressed.

Performed rather weak, puerile and insulting "impressions" of people, generally while a co-worker is on the phone trying to speak seriously to one of those people.

Replied, rather unhelpfully, to the question, "Why isn't the server working?" with the answer, "Because [hosting company] are gimps."

Hilariously referred to LloydsTSB as Lloyds-Wee-S-Poo for quite some time.

The list goes on and on. From fits of laughter to weeks of silence. From calm, sane council to paranoia. From simple code that transforms the way people work, to thinking that putting a picture of a fish on a website is the BEST IDEA EVER. So thanks to everyone that puts up with this.

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