Friday, 14 December 2007

There are two colours in my head

I guess you can never really be sure what's going on inside someone's mind.

Seaneen talks about her intrusive thoughts in a recent blog entry and it’s strange because I never knew, until relatively recently in my life, that not everybody has these type of thoughts and flashes. I have seen flashes of quite disturbing things, had thoughts that are just stuck in my head, heard voices, seen things that aren’t there etc. since I was a small child. I just presumed that it happened to everyone. Even now, I still don’t know what level of those type of things are “normal” and which I should be worried about.

For instance.

I was sat on my sofa a few weeks ago, absently staring at my foot. I suddenly got a flash of someone driving a chisel into the bottom of my foot. I mentioned this to someone at work and he reacted as if I said I’d spent the weekend drowning kittens. It was a bit of a reminder that it doesn’t happen to everyone and maybe, just maybe, next time I should keep my big mouth shut.

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